Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ref:Nigeria President Goodluck Jonathan Donate $200 Million Dollars of Federal Fund to the Entertainment Fund / GEJ ABLE TO LEAD?

Ref: Nigeria President Goodluck Jonathan Donate $200 Million Dollars  of Federal Fund to the Entertainment Fund / GEJ ABLE TO LEAD?

There are several components within this video excerpt that I believe warrants further discussion or dare I say scrutiny. First off, I find it interesting that the top assistant to the president will take the time and the energy to sit down with this individual who is not with a registered news organization and is for all intensive purposes working on a documentary.
One area of focus was the subsidy that was provided by the Nigerian government to the entertainment industry. While the assistant to the president make it out to be a much more complicated matter, it is simply a donation to the entertainment industry. While I believe that in many instances the government should provide subsidies to various organizations, I find the entertainment industry to be an interesting choice. How is the entertainment industry going to help those that are destitute? How is the entertainment industry going to provide food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, education for the children?
Is the president trying to curry favor with the entertainment industry? Does he personally benefit by giving subsidies to the entertainment industry? This type of irrational decision making is exactly why Nigeria will continue to stay a place of corruption and injustice. Revolutionary change will not occur until the president and his/her cabinet are able to make decisions and advocate on behalf of the entire nation, not advocate to better a small sector.

1 comment:

  1. What I see here is institutionalized corruption. Thanks for pointing out that Reno Omokri is son to a Nigerian Judge. I call him GEJ hack man - in their "father's shoes" building down Nigeria. The location choice of this documentary Build Up Nigeria Project Series 6 is a political failure.
