So today I am bit disappointed in myself. I was on my Facebook page and saw a picture of Amy Klobuchar supporting the Vote No movement. In November Minnesotans are faced with a voter amendment regarding same-sex marriage. If the amendment passes, the Minnesota Constitution will be amended to define marriage as strictly a union between a man and a woman. I am a huge supporter of Amy Klobuchar and I will definitely be voting “No” in November. I do not believe that it is the government’s business to define for individuals who it is and is not okay to love.
As I stated earlier, I was disappointed in myself. Why you may ask…I was disappointed because I thought twice about “liking” Amy Klobuchar’s photo showing that she will vote “No.” I was worried that I might start an unwanted debate on my Blog, Google, Twitter and Facebook pages regarding my stance. After thinking about it further I “snapped” back into my determination of ensuring equity and equality for all and proudly “liked’ Amy’s picture.
As a straight individual it would be easy for me to “duck and cover,” regarding this issue. It is essential, however, that people like me stand beside our gay relatives, friends, and colleagues to ensure that they are given the same right to love who they choose. It is simply not right to for us to sit back and let the government decide matters that are of a personal affair.
Related blog post - Minnesota Marriage amendment 2012
Keep up the good work...